
I will do

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Everything should have been tired, but what if it worked.

Considering the 40 years of safety data on Ivermectin and Hydroxy it seems a safe drug regime. In fact I believe the justification for warp speed was "its a pandemic try everything"

Assuming it would have worked, by much would the IFR been reduced. Lower than seasonal flu?.

If so how do they sell "One Health" multi millions dead to preserve the lie.

To break the strangle hold they have over us currently we must prove they deliberately suppressed a treatment. I believe its the only way out of what I fear may become a true dystopian future.

thank you for your comment Kalle I always look forward to your thoughts.


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Remind your readers to visit c19early.com Remind every one of your readers who has any following to go and lok at the timeline of when it was certain it workd BYOND ANY DOUBT. Look at the fact that it has not been accepted officially even now to keep the history hidden.

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HCQ was tested on SARS-CoV-1 with some hopeful results, it was over before it made much difference. It was not a shot in the dark to try it out with SARS-CoV-2. If SARS-CoV-2 was so bloody dangerous EVERYTHING SHOULD HAVE BEEN TRIED instead of wait for the vaccines mantra.

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